Get Pumped for Heart Health!
We all know that we need to eat well and exercise, but there is so much more to heart health!
On Thursday, July 16that 11:30am, bring an empty stomach and all your questions. You will have a special opportunity to interact with, and hear from two experts: Constance Montferret, a registered dietician, and Dr. Steven Silver, a retired cardiologist and volunteer of the American Heart Association. In this special seminar, we will share a community perspective on heart health, provide you with resources around prevention of heart disease, how to recognize a potential issue & what to do, as well as bring you the expertise of someone who has done over 10,000 heart surgeries. Come to the Moore Building, room 80 ( Moore Lecture Hall) at 11:30am for lunch and socializing & the seminar will begin shortly after 12:00pm.
This (and all WorkLife seminars) is open to families. If you need special accommodations, please let us know.
You may join remotely by conference call: United States: +13022025900, access code: 726-689-363