Prior to your first day, you can expect to complete several onboarding tasks related to your role.
- Activate your Caltech account and email address
If you are new to Caltech, you will receive an Account Activator email with instructions on how to activate your Caltech account and email address.
- Log into the Talent Center
Once your Caltech credentials are established, you will be able to log into and the Talent Center. The Talent Center is an online portal that will help you get acclimated to the Institute and prepare for your first day. You will complete a number of onboarding tasks in the Talent Center as well as have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with Caltech resources, including the employee guide, benefits information, and more.
- Complete Form I-9
By law, we must verify the identity and employment authorization for every employee. Before your start date, you can complete Section 1 of Form I-9 and then present your acceptable documents to a Recruiting or International Scholar Services representative on your first day.
- Upload a photo for your Caltech ID Card
Upload a photo you would like to use for your employee ID card to the Talent Center. Your Caltech ID card should be ready for pick-up within your first day or two.
- Prepare for your first day
You will receive an invitation from a Recruiting representative for a virtual check-in on your first day. Start date details, including where and when to arrive, will be provided by your supervisor. In preparation for your first day, review our campus maps to determine the best place to park (if driving to campus) and locate your work location. Please note that a two-week parking code will be emailed prior to your start date.
- Reach out to Recruiting with any questions
We're here to help! Please don't hesitate to contact us at 626-395-6565 or