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International Education Week/ Dish and Discuss Lecture

Wednesday, November 14, 2018
12:00pm to 1:00pm
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A Mathematical Journey through Africa

Since 2011, Caltech's Von Karman Postdoctoral Instructor, Dr. Franca Hoffmann, has been involved with Supporting African Mathematics Initiatives (SAMI), a UK-based charity that works to address access to and quality of mathematics education in Africa. SAMI currently works in Kenya, Ghana, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda and supports a wide variety of projects crossing education, research and global development. Come hear how Dr. Hoffmann became involved in STEM outreach in Africa.  Hosted by Caltech Center for Diversity.  Presentation is in the Bechtel Residence Jean-Lou Chameau Dining Hall.

For more information, please contact Caltech Center for Diversity by phone at Taso Dimitriadis or by email at [email protected] or visit International Offices.