Minor Volunteer Guidelines
A minor is any person under the age of 18 years who is required to attend school. Under state and federal law, minors may not be employed in any hazardous occupations, and Caltech places the same restrictions on volunteers. Because the restrictions can be complex and also vary according to the age of the minor, please consult with Human Resources regarding each specific minor. Examples of hazardous occupations include positions involving:
- Working in or about an area with explosives;
- Driving motor vehicles;
- Transportation of hazardous materials;
- Operation of power driven wood working machines, circular saws, band saws, guillotine shears, chainsaws, reciprocating saws, wood chippers, and abrasive cutting discs;
- Operation of power driven hoisting apparatuses, including for example, operating or assisting tooperate certain elevators, cranes, derricks, hoist, riggers, forklifts, or high-lift trucks;
- Operation of power-driven metal forming, punching, and shearing machines;
- Work performed in or about boiler or engine rooms;
- Roofing operations and working on or about a roof;
- Excavation operations;
- Work in connection with maintenance or repair of Institute machines or equipment; and
- Exposure to radioactive substances and to ionizing radiation.
Minor Volunteer Process
Minor volunteers are not permitted to work on campus until Human Resources has approved their assignment.
Approval may take up to four weeks to complete.
Step 1: Minor Volunteer Activity Questionnaire
The Division/Department must complete the Minor Volunteer Activity Questionnaire to start the minor volunteer process. The questionnaire should be reviewed and approved by the following:
- Division Chair or Division Administrator
- Caltech Mentor/Supervisor
- Caltech Faculty Member
After completion and required signatures by Division, please send to Human Resources at [email protected] for review by:
- Environment, Health, & Safety - Review any potential hazards associated with the specific research,type of equipment to be used, and any potential chemical, biological and/or other exposures.
- Employee and Organizational Development - Review Questionnaire and complete requiredMandated Reporter and Background Screenings.
Once all of the above departments have provided signature approvals, the minor volunteer and parent/guardian will receive the Minor Volunteer Questionnaire and the Minor Volunteer Packet for review and required signatures.
Step 2: Minor Volunteer Packet
The packet will include the following documents:
- Minor Volunteer Data Sheet - The data sheet includes required personal information that will be used to set up the volunteer record and generate a UID.
- Volunteer Agreement and Release Form for Minors - Required signatures include minor volunteerand parent/guardian.
- Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement Form - To be signed by the minor volunteer andparent/guardian.
- Patent Agreement - Required signature by minor volunteer.
Signed forms should be returned to Human Resources at [email protected].
Human Resources will notify Division/Department when record is set up and provide the UID number.
Minor volunteers who require a Caltech ID card will need to work with the Division/Department and Card Office at [email protected] to receive an ID Card.
Minor Volunteer Matrix

Minor volunteers are not permitted to work on campus until Human Resources has approved their assignment.
Plan accordingly, approval may take up to four weeks to complete.