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ACA Tax Forms

In February, you may receive a 1095 tax form as a result of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that required documentation of an individual's health insurance information in the previous tax year. This documentation could be in a 1095-B form issued by the insurance carrier or a 1095-C form issued by Caltech. The IRS deadline for Caltech furnishing 1095-C forms is March 2 (March 3 in a leap year), or the next business day if the due date falls on a weekend or holiday.

While neither 1095 form is required to file your tax return, it is important to keep the form for your records.

For more information about the ACA and the tax form, please see the links below:

ACA Tax Form FAQ

Sample Form 1095-C

Interactive Form 1095-C Decoder

Sample (1095-B Form) (Only for For Kaiser and Aetna enrollees)

If you have any question regarding the tax form, please contact:

Campus Employees:


JPL Employees: Contact AskHR
