Q: Why is Anthem requesting my Social Security Number (SSN)?
A: Anthem is required to provide Form 1095-B (Health Coverage) to you and to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). You will use information from the Form 1095-B to prepare your individual income tax return. The law requires SSNs to be reported on Form 1095-B. Visit the IRS webpage for information or contact our Anthem Concierge if you need assistance providing your SSN to Anthem.
Q: If I'm covered by my parent's insurance plan or other coverage, why would I need the Caltech medical insurance?
A: The Caltech Student Medical Plan, offered through Anthem Student Advantage, is designed to meet the needs of students and helps pay for covered medical care, prescription drugs, and mental health services your student receives while at school, at home, and while traveling or studying abroad.
Q: Can I visit Student Wellness Services if I am not enrolled in Caltech medical insurance?
A: Yes, the cost for Student Wellness Services for registered students is included in the health fee which is a part of your tuition.
Q: How do I add coverage mid-year if I waived during the enrollment/waiver period?
A: If you need to add coverage mid-year, you will need to reach out to hrbenefits@caltech.edu. Please note you will need to show proof that you lost other coverage before your request can be approved.
Q: How do I remove coverage mid-year if I gained other coverage mid-year?
A: If you need to remove coverage mid-year, you will need to reach out to hrbenefits@caltech.edu. Please note you will need to show proof that indicates when your new coverage was effective and provide a copy of your medical plan summary so the Benefits office can verify your other coverage meets Caltech's waiver requirements.
Q: What happens to my coverage when I graduate, go on leave, or withdraw from Caltech mid-year?
A: Your medical coverage will terminate at the end of the insurance trimester unless you are on a registered leave. If you were enrolled in dental or vision coverage, those coverages will terminate at the end of the current plan year on August 31st. Reference the continuing coverage page for additional information.
Q: How do I add a dependent to my student health insurance?
A: You can add your dependent(s) during the enrollment/waiver period each summer. If you need to add coverage for a dependent mid-year please reach out to hrbenefits@caltech.edu. Please note you will need to re-enroll your dependents each year during the enrollment/waiver period.
Q: How can I make sure I visit an in-network provider?
A: Please use the following links to search for an in-network provider for:
Anthem Student Advantage Medical
Anthem Student Advantage Dental
Q: Where can I obtain a copy of my insurance card(s)?
A: Please use the following links to access your insurance card(s):
Q: Who can I talk to if I have questions about insurance bills or Explanation of Benefits?
A: Please email hrbenefits@caltech.edu or call 626-395-6443 to make a virtual appointment. If you are enrolled or plan to enroll in the ASA plan you can contact the Caltech Anthem Concierge, Ruben Rodriguez at 626-395-6628 or via email at RubenA.Rodriguez@anthem.com
Q: Why did I receive an out-of-network bill for a visit to an in-network hospital?
A: Most services received at an in-network hospital, even for emergencies are processed at the in-network level, but some services received such as: ambulances for emergency transport, emergency room physicians, and anesthesiologists usually do not participate in any networks.
Q: What should I indicate on the Student Wellness form if I am planning to enroll in Caltech Student Insurance?
A: You should be able to indicate that you are electing Caltech student insurance on the form. If you have questions, please contact 626-395-6393.
Q: Who do I talk to about a charge on my bursar account that I believe is incorrect?
A: Send an email to hrbenefits@caltech.edu, call 626-395-6443.
Q: Can I use financial aid to pay for student health insurance
A: Yes, Financial aid recipients who enroll in the Caltech Student Health Insurance Plan may request that the expense be added to their estimated cost of attendance by completing the Financial Aid Request for Caltech Student Health Insurance Plan form. Students will be offered grant assistance to cover the additional expense.
Q: Does Caltech offer any benefits to help with dependent childcare coverage for graduate students?
A: Caltech provides graduate students with a subsidized benefit for backup childcare and they may apply for the Caltech Childcare Assistance Program (CCAP).